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  • Writer's pictureDarragh Kennedy

Tips: The Lowly Bandana Comes Everywhere With Me.

Updated: Sep 11, 2022

It costs nothing, weighs nothing, and has multiple uses!

During the pandemic, as the debate around mask-types raged, I decided that a $8.00 pack of 12 bandanas would see me through until the scientists settled! Now I carry one all the time as an EDC and especially when hiking or backpacking.

They are one of those items that are so unimportant until you start using them, when they become a must carry item.

So here, in no particular order are some of the ways I use mine, or have mine on hand when camping and backpacking:

  • To keep the sun from the back of my neck.

  • To wear under my hat for shade.

  • As a handkerchief, napkin or to mop up sweat.

  • As a washcloth.

  • As a hot pot handle holder.

  • Prevents metal vs metal rattling.

  • As a pot washer/dryer.

  • As a face warmer at night.

  • As an emergency belt.

  • For face protection against flying dust or snow.

  • As a fly or bug swatter.

  • As a coolant system - wet around the neck, forehead or head.

  • To remove debris from unfiltered water (not a substitute for filtering).

  • As a bandage.

  • As a tourniquet.

  • As a sling.

  • As a splint tie.

  • As a tablecloth/food prep cloth.

  • To cover food and protect from bugs.

  • As a colorful signal for help.

  • As a camp or pack tie.

  • A hold-all for small items or parts.

  • As a trail signal if you leave the trail for water/bathroom etc.

  • As an emergency coffee filter.

  • Emergency toilet paper.

  • To clean eye-glasses

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