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Day Hiking:

* Elevation gain explained.

* Choosing footwear

* Choosing socks
* What is in my day-pack?
* Hike planning
* Clothes For all weather

* Leave no Trace

* Down Vs Synthetic

* Underwear (for men)


* Backpacking trip planning

* Test your gear before heading out

* Buying your first kit
* Choosing a sleeping pad

* Water purification in the wild

* The lowly bandana

* Budget set up Vs Premium set up

* What size pack do I need for a back-packing trip?

* Training for a backpacking trip?

* Food planning for backpacking in bear country

* Elevation & temperature change

Camp shoes

* Buying a budget tent

Why I carry a knife
* Sleeping bag temperature ratings

* To chair or not to chair

* Ultralight Vs Light (Vs Heavy!)
* Elevation, Oxygen Levels, Acclimatization.

* Building stamina

* Leave no trace
* R-Values for sleeping pads



* High altitude thunderstorms
* Water filtration
* Bear safety

* Overcoming fear

* Satellite devices

* First aid kits

* Encountering wildlife

* How to read a map



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